Huwag Ka Lang Mawawala is an upcoming television drama series to be aired by the Kapamilya Network (ABS-CBN). The main cast of the series will be composed of Judy Ann Santos, Sam Milby (
Four Sisters and a Wedding
Death March
) and KC Concepcion. When the series was first reported sometime in 2012, it carried the title of Against All Odds.
The Philippine Entertainment Portal quoted actor Sam Milby as saying "I think it's gonna be a lot of fun, especially when you get to work with someone of her status na ganun kagaling. There's a lot you can learn from her and that's what I'm excited for." when asked about the chance of working with Judy Ann Santos.
The names of Santos, Milby and Concepcion's characters in the series are Clara Sandoval, Marcus Fuentebella, and Mirriam Fuentebella.
Other members of the cast are John Estrada, Mylene Dizon, Empress Schuck, Joseph Marco, Bryan Termulo, Tirso Cruz III, Coney Reyes, Liza Soberano, Louise Abuel, Susan Africa, Rey PJ Abellana, and Carlito Gonzaga.
Huwag Ka Lang Mawawala will be a comeback of sorts for Judy Ann Santos in ABS-CBN because she hasn't appeared in a drama series for quite a while. Sam Milby and KC Concepcion on the other hand have been very busy for the last few years appearing in several shows and programs especially Concepcion who has been hosting and guesting on various reality television programs.